Saturday, August 8, 2009

Here's some cute recent videos of Jake

Here's our little guy "helping" Nana Muz pack down in SC.

Probably my all-time favorite video of Jake. He's SOOO intent on what he's doing, and so serious: "Hmmm... does this underwear belong on the floor? Maybe? Yep!" and down it goes!

And here's him dancing (unprompted) to James' music (he does this a lot now):

He's started pointing at things a lot now, and I don't know if it's intentional, but I've noticed him saying "gat" when he points. I've chosen to believe that he's asking "that?" and I tell him "That's a tree" or "That's a book" or "Dat's Mammy's nose, pleath moob your finga".

He's pulling himself up all over the place, and we've realized that no table is safe now. The house is wrecked, because he happily stands there and pulls everything down he can find (as witnessed by that first movie). The other day we heard a few loud bumps from his room while he was supposed to be napping, and snuck in to find that he had swiped EVERYTHING off of his changing table into his crib with him, and was happily sitting there with a box of tissues, methodically pulling them out one by one and shoving them into the corners of his crib. Pretty cute. :)

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